LGM-VIP July 2021

Gaganpreet Kaur Kalsi
2 min readJul 26, 2021

Hello everyone!

I am writing here to share my experience as a Web Development Intern at Lets Grow More Virtual Internship Program for July 2021. It was a 1 month internship where we were expected to complete at least 2 out of the 3 listed tasks. The tasks were as follows :-

  1. Beginner Level Task :- Create a Single Page Website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  2. Intermediate Level Task :- Create a Web Application using create-react-app.
  3. Advance Level Task :- Student Result Management System using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.

I successfully completed the first 2 tasks — Beginner Level, and Intermediate Level. I learned a lot during my internship period. This gave me an opportunity to create some new elements which I had never created before. I really enjoyed it a lot. I tried my hands on Carousel, added videos, made a gallery, etc.

For the Beginner Level Task, I created a Single Page Website for a Bakery which I named “Cakesmith”. It took me almost 1 week to complete. I implemented some things for the very first time. I am quite proud of the result I got. The website is beautiful and fully responsive. It contains many sections such as the Introduction, Photo Gallery, Projects, Video Gallery, Reviews, and many more.

To check out the website visit https://thecakesmith.netlify.app/

Github Repo — https://github.com/GaganpreetKaurKalsi/LGMVIP-WebDev/tree/main/Task1-SPWebsite#readme

For the Intermediate Level Task, we had to create a react app where we had to fetch data from API and display it in form of cards. I added a load more functionality where when the user clicks on load more button, more data is fetched and displayed. This task helped me to practice my skills in React as I was undergoing REACT training at the same time. The whole internship helped me a lot to groom my skills.

To check out the app visit https://getusers-react.netlify.app/

Github Repo — https://github.com/GaganpreetKaurKalsi/LGMVIP-WebDev/tree/main/task2-reactapp

I am thankful to Aman Kesarwani and LetsGrowMore for giving me the opportunity.

Visit the official site here letsgrowmore.in letsgrowmore.in/vip



Gaganpreet Kaur Kalsi

Learning Web Development. Languages/Skills - HTML, CSS, JS, Python, Java, Web Hosting, Git. Portfolio Website- https://gaganpreetkaurkalsi.netlify.app/